Has Chronic Pain impacted on your Job- Take Part In a Research Survey Your Opinion Counts.
‘My name is Chloe and I’m doing a research project as part of my Masters in Health Psychology. The research is regarding chronic pain sufferers and those with symptoms of long term pain alongside other conditions. I am looking at how this condition impacts on their working lives (current and previously) and the possibility that some social and psychological factors may provide means of reducing this impact.
If you have had symptoms of long term pain or been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition and can reflect on this in terms of a job role, would you consider please taking part in my online survey below.
All survey information will be provided at the beginning when clicking the link, and all data collected will be anonymous.
It should only take around 10 minutes to complete and my email is on the survey if you have any questions.
Your time and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.’
To take the survey click here https://bit.ly/34W7g6p