Abbie Jones on the publishing of 3 Papers
Congratulations to Abigail Jones MSc who has recently had three papers published. Abbigail is a PhD student whose research explores the social development of adolescents who have chronic pain which the Pain Relief Foundation have funded. Two of the papers will form part of her thesis.
Young people’s constructions of a future living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The Clinical Journal of Pain: December 2020 – Volume 36 – Issue 12 – p 932-939. Jones, A., Caes, L., Eccleston, C., Noel, M. Rugg, T. & Jordan, A. (2020a)
Socio-developmental challenges faced by young people with chronic pain: A scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Pain. Jones, A., Caes, L., Eccleston, C., McMurtry, C.M., & Jordan, A. (2020b)
Abigail’s other paper published used data from her my story completion study:
A linguistic analysis of future narratives in adolescents with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and their pain-free peers. European Journal of Pain. Nimbley, E., Caes, L., Jones, A., Fisher, E., Noel, M. & Jordan, A. (2020).