Dr Andreas Goebel

Dr. Goebel PRF-funded (part- or fully) research projects published 2013-2015


Autoantibodies in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome:

Dubuis E., Thompson V., Leite M., Blaes F., Maihoefner Ch., Greensmith D., Shenker N., Kuttikat A., Leuwer M., Goebel A. Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is associated with activating autoantibodies against α-1a adrenoceptors. Pain 2014; 155: 2408 – 2417

Tékus V, Hajna Z, Borbély E, Markovics A, Bagoly T, Szolcsányi J, Thompson V, Kemény A, Helyes Z, Goebel A. A CRPS-IgG-Passive-Transfer-Trauma Model Reproducing Inflammatory and Positive Sensory Signs Associated with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.  Pain 2014; 144(2): 229-308

 Skin immune changes in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome:

Osborne A., Farrell J., Dearman R.J., MacIver K., Naisbitt D.J., Moots R.J., Edwards S.W., Goebel A. Cutaneous Immunopathology of Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. European Journal of Pain 2015 (in press).

Registered Clinical Trials:

Goebel A., Shenker N., Padfield N., et al. Low-dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – Study Protocol. Trials 2014 (e-pub).

 Goebel A., Mishbah S., McKiver K., Haynes L., Burton J., Philips C., Frank B., Poole H. Immunoglobulin Maintenance Therapy in Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, an Open Study. Rheumatology 2013; 52(11): 2091-93.

Other PRF-funded research projects:

Johnson S., Ayling H., Sharma M., Goebel A. External Non Invasive Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment of Neuropathic Pain, a Prospective Audit. Neuromodulation 2014 (e-pub).

Shenker N., Goebel A., Rockett M., Batchelor J., Jones GT., Parker R., Williams A., McCabe C. Establishing the Characteristics for Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: The Value of the CRPS-UK Registry. British Journal of Pain 2015 (in press).

Barbalinado S., Loer SA, Goebel A*, Perez R. The treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with oral steroids. Pain Medicine 2015 (in press *joint senior author)

Aradillas E., Schwartzman R.J., Grothusen J.R., Goebel A., Alexander G.M. Plasma exchange therapy in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Physician 2015, (in press).

Goebel A., Jayaseelan A., Bhagwat K., Gupta M., Frank B. Racemic Ketamine 4.5 day Infusion for the treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2015 (letter, in press).

Tamburin S., Bork K., Caro XJ., Jann S., Clark AJ., Magrinelli F., Sobue G., Werhagen L., Zanette G., Koike H., Spaeth PJ., Vincent A., Goebel A. Immunoglobulin G for the Treatment of Chronic Pain: Report of an Expert Workshop. Pain Medicine 2014; 15(7): 1072-82

Goebel A., Jones S., Oomman S., Callaghan Th., Sprotte G. Treatment of Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange; a Preliminary Case Series of Patients Treated 2008-2014. Pain Medicine 2014; 15(12): 2163-4.

Haynes L, Goebel A, Flynn M. The Impact of Spinal Cord Stimulation for Upper Extremity Complex Regional Pain Syndrome on Level of Function. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 2014; 21(2): 77-83

Birley T, Goebel A. Widespread Pain in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Practice 2014; 14(6): 526-31.

Goodson NJ, Smith BH, Hocking LJ, McGilchrist MM, Dominiczak AG, Morris AD, Porteous DJ, Goebel A. Cardiovascular risk factors associated with the metabolic syndrome are more prevalent in people reporting chronic pain: results from a cross sectional general population study. Pain 2013; 154(9): 1595-602.


Mbizvo G., Nolan S., Nurmikko T., Goebel A.  Placebo responses in longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain 2015 (in press).

Goebel A. Immune activation and autoimmunity in chronic pain conditions and response to immunoglobulin G. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2014; 178(S1): 39-41.

Goebel A. Cellular and behavioral models to predict responses to immunoglobulin G treatment in complex regional pain syndrome. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2014; 178(S1): 136-137.

Goebel A. Current Understanding of the Causes of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), with its Medico-Legal Implications. Journal of Observational Pain Medicine 2014; 1(3).

Benson J., Spencer M., Goebel A., Munglani R.. Compensation Claims Relating to Chronic Pain – Parts 1-5. Journal of Observational Pain Medicine 2014; 1(4).

Cossins L, Okell RW, Cameron H, Simpson B, Poole HM, Goebel A. Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in adults: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials published June 2000 to April 2012. EuJPain 2013; 17(2):158-73.

Goebel A, Blaes F. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Prototype of a Novel Kind of Autoimmune Disease. Autoimmunity Reviews, 2013; 12(6): 682-6.

Goebel A. The Management of Adult Patients with Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Management 2013; 3(2): 1-10