Event Start:
Neuroablative Techniques for Cancer Pain – Friday 7th February 2020
Event Timeline
Date: February 7, 2020
Time: 08:30 to 16:30
Place: Clinical Science Centre
University Hospital Aintree
Lower Lane
L9 7AL
Further to publication of framework for pain services for cancer and life-limiting disease by the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) of the Royal College of Anaesthetists; this study day aims to promote education on technical aspects of advanced neuroablative pain relief interventions for cancer related pain for tier 3 and 4 services. Guidance from FPM supported by Association for palliative Medicine, Association of Cancer Physicians and Clinical Oncology is freely available at https://www.rcoa.ac.uk/news-and-bulletin/rcoa-news-and-statements/fpm-release-framework-pain-services-cancer-and-life
This study day expects that attendees have basic understanding of when a cancer pain relief intervention is indicated. This day will build on attendees’ existing knowledge of pain relief interventions to take it to higher level and to develop interdisciplinary cancer pain management services in their region to fulfil unmet need as highlighted by recent publication by FPM. In our view Professional’s learning by collaborative working in this complex and challenging field is paramount to improve confidence in setting up and developing interdisciplinary working. This study day will also cover some of the rarely performed, but, most effective neuroablative neurosurgical pain relief techniques for cancer related pain and chronic pain.
Click heretoview a detailed programme of events.
Fees: £150
Limited to 30 Participants
Those who should attend are Advanced Pain, Palliative medicine, Oncology and Neurosurgery trainees; Clinicians and Consultants managing complex Cancer related Pain and Chronic Pain and aiming to set up the service offering similar interventions.
There are 1100 parking spaces available in the multi-storey car-park adjacent to the Clinical Sciences Centre. Other car-parks are scattered in various other places around the hospital including a large open car-park at the rear entrance to the hospital. All parking areas cost £5.50 per day.
Payments & Cancellations:
The transaction will be shown on your credit card statement as “The Pain Relief Foundation”. Refund of registration fees will be made ONLY if notice of cancellation is made BEFORE 1st January 2020, less an administrative charge of 10%.
Click here to register online
If you would like to donate to the Pain Relief Foundation, please click here
Event Location