Pain Relief Foundation’s 22nd Annual Lecture 2023

Event Timeline

Date: March 31, 2023
Time: 17:30 to 19:30
Place: Clinical Science Centre, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL





The Pain Relief Foundation started the Annual Lecture as a Millennium project. Each year an eminent pain physician or scientist is invited to lecture on a topic currently of interest, in pain research or management. The lecture is given each year in honour of a person who contributed much to the field of pain treatment or research during his or her career. A short presentation about their life and work is given before the lecture by a fellow academic or clinician.

The inaugural lecture was given by Russell Portenoy in the year 2000.

Continuing with the theme of Annual Lectures in which we explore all aspects of chronic pain, the 2023 Lecture Using a stratified medicine approach to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of Neuropathic Pain will be presented by Professor David Bennett who is Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology at the University of Oxford. His clinical focus has been in the management of peripheral neuropathy, neuropathic pain and painful channelopathies. His work has helped to understand the fundamental principles of sensory transduction and transmission and led to new diagnostic tests and personalised pain management. As vice-director of ‘Europain’ and director of ‘DOLORisk’ he harmonised the recruitment and deep phenotyping of the largest ever cohort of neuropathic pain patients in Europe.

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