The North England Pain Group Meeting face to face is back up and running and what a great day!
A reminder that the North of England Pain Medicine Group is a supraregional Pain Medicine group established to cater specifically for the unique educational and networking needs of Pain Physicians in the locality of the North of England. The Group set up originally bey Dr’s Sanjeeva Gupta & Manohar Sharma aims to foster closer collaboration between Pain Physicians to promote areas of good practice. It encourages and supports speakers and delegates drawn primarily from the region, contributing to an annual one day meeting of the highest quality.
This year’s meeting was held back in the usual location of Huddersfield and again has proved to be a resounding success proving why this meeting has fast become a most important date in the annual pain conference calendar. Topics from this year’s programme included, ‘Gynaecology Mesh –Funded MDT service for complex pain’, ‘Cauda Equina Syndrome.’ , ‘Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) updates and procedures for Large joint pain .
Listed below are feedback comments received from attendees:-
What did you enjoy most about today?
Variety of topics and the clear presentation with appropriate audio visuals
Excellent speakers and well thought topics
Chance to meet colleagues
Enjoyable chance to network, particularly enjoyed the medico-legal and the presentation on pragmatic pain
Whole range of topic conversation
Appropriate duration of talks, educational, relevant and well presented. Thank you.
Presentations and networking especially after Covid
All of it
Medico-legal aspects