With thanks to Dr John Wiles who organised this year’s lecture.
The lecture took place on Thursday 20th October 2016 and was well attended
Professor Serge Perrot (can be seen on the left of the photograph) who is a rheumatologist and a pain specialist and currently heads the Pain Centre of Cochin Hospital, in Paris, France delivered the lecture in honour of the life and work of Professor Jean-Marie Besson
Joint Management for Joint Pain: bridging Rheumatology and Pain Research
This is the seventeenth of an annual series of lectures to honour those who have made an outstanding contribution to the treatment and study of chronic pain. Jean-Marie Besson died in 2014. He was a founding member and later president (1996-99) of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). He was an inspirational pain neuroscientist whose pioneering work included identification of descending pain control and the effect of morphine on the dorsal horn.
This year a short appreciation of his life and work was given by Anthony Dickenson,(can be seen on the right of the photograph) Professor of Neuropharmacology in the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology at University College London, who worked with, and was inspired by Professor Besson.