Demystifying Management of Complex Spinal Pain Study day – An Incredible Start to 2019
What a fantastic start to the year including Faculty and Delegates we had in excess of 90 people attending our first workshop of 2019 ‘Demystifying Management of Complex Spinal Pain’.
This study day was the first Complex Spinal Pain Study day to be organised by Dr Manohar Sharma (Consultant in Pain Medicine, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust (WCFT), Liverpool, in conjunction with the Faculty from the WCFT Pain Team and Neurosurgery Team with additions from Dr Stephen Ward, Consultant in Pain Medicine, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, Dr Denis O’Brien, GPwSI in Musculoskeletal Medicine & clinical advisor for Liverpool CCG, The Elms Medical Centre, Liverpool and ourselves and what a success it was. The workshop attracted 80 delegates and 13 Faculty from all disciplines from across the UK with people turning up to register on the day
Management of back and leg pain has been streamlined by publication of NICE Clinical Guideline 59 in November 2016. National Low back and Radicular pain pathway 2017 from Trauma Programme of Care includes implementation of NICE Guidance NG59. This study day aimed to provide further clarity over low back pain and radicular pain management and what management options are available and which patients are likely to benefit from surgery, injection, pain management programme or Neuromodulation and when to consider these treatments?
Feedback from the delegates indicates a great response to the study day opening up some good discussion.
On behalf of the Pain Relief Foundation I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for participating in the Demystifying Management of Complex Spinal Pain
Study day and making it another triumph without your conscientiousness, devotion and commitment the course would not be possible. It is both a pleasure and delight to work with such talented people and to see such team work in educating other health professionals not only locally but nationally in these particularly challenging times.
Manohar thank you for creating the programme and for your organisation and trusting us again at the PRF to help you deliver another outstanding course.
Once again a huge thank you to you all.
The Chairman