EFIC® – Winter Cancer Pain School, Liverpool 2016. Congratulations! for another success
The European Pain Federation EFIC® – Winter Cancer Pain School, Liverpool was held 11th – 14th October the course was fully booked with a waiting list and was attended by 20 doctors from across Europe and 12 doctors from the UK.
The course was organised by Dr Manohar Sharma a Trustee of the Pain Relief Foundation and a Consultant in Pain Medicine at the Walton Centre, Liverpool, Dr Kate Marley, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool and Dr Chris Wells a Pain Physician, Rodney Street, Liverpool and current president of EFIC.
The course has been a huge success and was well received by all the participants and the feedback is excellent.
The Pain Relief Foundation would like to take the opportunity to thank the entire faculty in particular Dr Sharma, Dr Marley and Dr Wells for all your hard work, expertise, dedication and commitment as without you we would not be able to hold such events.
Dr Sharma would also like to thank the Pain Course faculty and all for making this course another success in 2016
Dear EFIC Cancer Pain Course Faculty,
It was immense pleasure to have your company in Liverpool and share your experience in this field which has been very well received and appreciated by the course delegates. I have had a quick look at the feedback and am delighted to say that it is excellent and reflects your valuable contribution and support without which it is not possible.
This school was very well supported by Dr Chris Wells (EFIC President), Faculty from EFIC, Dr Marley from Aintree Palliative Medicine (Woodland’s Hospice), Walton Centre colleagues and faculty from UK.
It is a rare and unique opportunity to share knowledge and experience in this field in such detail (lectures, case discussions, live case presentations on recently treated cases, pain in cancer survivors, group work etc).
I am sure this will make positive impact on those who attended, to further help patients with cancer related pain in UK and Europe.
Pain relief foundation (Julie and Brenda) and Walton centre has provided immense support and motivation towards this and it is really appreciated
Again many thanks for your contribution in making this a great success!
Dr Manohar Sharma