FMS Study Recruitment Recommences
We’re Back!
After a 6 month break in recruitment due to covid-19 we are pleased to announce that we are ready to recommence.
Following the risk assessment that has been set out by the trust for users of the Clinical Sciences Building we have set procedures to ensure the safety of our participants and staff.
- The rooms which will be used have all been deep cleaned & hand gel is provided in each room also.
- Face masks and hand gel will be provided upon entry to the building
- All rooms will be cleaned inbetween patient visits & temperature checks will take place before any appointment starts
- The building will operate a one way system for entry & exit for those participating in trials or studys
- A receptionist will be based at the front desk and patients are to report to her on arrival
If you are a patient who is participating the FMS study and have any questions/concerns re your visit then please do not hesitate to contact our study administrator
Hayley McCullough on 0151-529-5835 or Hayley.McCullough@liverpool.ac.uk