Grant Awards 2020
There had been a very positive response to the 2019/2020 advertising for grant applications, with 8 PhD applications and 15 small Grant. All 23 applications received were Peer reviewed and discussed with the members of the committee and the Pain Relief Foundation are pleased to announce the following grants have been awarded
Research Grants awarded
A PhD grant to Dr Liz Cordingley of Manchester University
“One & the same? An indepth investigation into the complexities of pain experiences of children & young people with infammatory & non inflammatory conditions”
A research grant to Dr Goeff Woods of Cambridge University
“Novel long-acting analgesic for chronic pain’A Pilot project seeking genetic predispositions to fibromyalgia”
A research grant to Dr Nick Fallon of Liverpool University
“Investigating the relationship between central& peripheral pathophysiology in fibromyalgia symdrome – pilot neuroimaging study”
A research grant to Dr Stephanie Koch of College London
“Identifying spinal circuits in chronic widespread pain”
A research grant for a total of submitted by Dr Andrew Marshall of The Walton Centre, Liverpool
’’ Reversal of EEG theta band rhythm as an objective measure of efficacy of spinal cord stimulation in chronic neuropathic pain – a pilot study”
A research grant to Dr Andreas Goebel of Liverpool University
“Autoimmunity informed phenotyping in chronic non specific low back pain sufferers”