International, Interactive and Interdisciplinary European Pain Federation Liverpool Winter Cancer Pain School 2018
The European Pain Federation EFIC® – Winter Cancer Pain School, Liverpool was held from 16th – 19th October. The course was fully booked with extended places made available due to high demand; the course was attended by 33 delegates in total from across Europe, the UK, Middle East, Indonesia & Mexico.
The course was organised by Dr Manohar Sharma a Trustee of the Pain Relief Foundation and a Consultant in Pain Medicine at the Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, Dr Kate Marley, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University Hospital Aintree (Woodlands Hospice), Liverpool and Professor Bart Morlion Director of the Leuven Centre for Algology & Pain Management, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium and current president of EFIC.
The course this year has been outstanding and was well received by all the participants which has been reflected in the fantastic feedback comments. Dr Dorota Ortenburger a Psychologist from Poland actually took the time to write a full report on the pain school which was a wonderful surprise, the content of which captures the very essence of the pain school and what we as organisers hoped to achieve through the vast knowledge and experience of the team of local, national and international speakers of the very highest standards.
So it is time to reflect on yet another great achievement that the Pain Relief Foundation has been lucky enough to be asked to be involved in and as the Administrator I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate and thank the entire Faculty for their very significant contribution to yet another successful event.
Your contribution to the course and experience in this field shone through, with a range of educational activities including lectures, case discussions, live case presentations on recently treated cases, pain in cancer survivors and group working all were well received by the delegates and I am sure that each of the them took away something positive and extended their knowledge and will hopefully use this knowledge in their day to day work practices.
Finally not forgetting this thank you extends to both the Walton Centre NHS Trust represented by Dr Sharma, Aintree Palliative Medicine (Woodlands Hospice), Dr Marley and The Euoropean Pain Federation,Professor Bart Morlion (EFIC president) as without the support of all three bodies this event would not be possible.
Again many thanks for your contribution and all you do in making this a great success!