Liverpool Neuroscience Day 15th June 2018
Liverpool Neuroscience Group will host the 5th Liverpool Neuroscience Day on Friday 15th June 2018 at the award-winning John Lennon Art & Design Building, in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University, the University of Liverpool and The Walton Centre.
The aim of Liverpool Neuroscience Day is to celebrate the breadth and depth of research activity in brain and behavioural sciences across the city’s institutions and beyond.
We are very pleased to announce that our plenary speaker will be Professor Joe Herbert (University of Cambridge).
We are inviting local researchers to speak at the meeting. Priority will be given to early submissions that are likely to inspire discussion and collaboration.
Please register your interest soon!
Please register your interest soon!
Abstracts for Posters and Data Blitz presentations are also being accepted – submissions from postgraduates & postdocs are encouraged.
For registration, and more details about the event please visit