The British Pain Society Patient Liaison Committee – LAY CHAIRPERSON VACANCY
The British Pain Society Patient Liaison Committee
Do you know any lay people who would be a good Chair for our Patient Liaison Committee?
We are looking for a new Chair for our Patient Liaison Committee which underpins patient involvement in the activities of our membership organisation
(website: www.britishpainsociety.org) for professionals working, teaching and researching in the field of pain.
The suitable applicant will be a lay person and must have an interest in the NHS and in how to make sure people get the best care from the health service, particularly people living with pain. Experience of living with pain or of a voluntary sector organisation linked to pain would be useful.
Applicants must be available to chair the committee meetings and attend council meetings within London for a minimum of eight days per year.
Interviews will be held on Tuesday 28 November 2017 at the British Pain Society Secretariat, London. Travel costs will be reimbursed.
For an application pack please contact Ken Obbard, Membership & Events Officer on email: kenobbard@britishpainsociety.org or phone: 0207 269 7840.
Closing Date for Applications: 5pm, Thursday 26 October 2017