Welcome To Our New Honorary Fellow – Professor Jackie Campbell
”I welcome you on behalf of the Foundation we are so excited to have you on our team! With your experience, you will be a great addition. Welcome aboard!”
Professor Jackie Campbell initially qualified as a physicist at the University of Liverpool and spent a year as the President of the University’s Guild of Undergraduates before doing an MSc in Medical Physics at the University of Surrey. She then came back to Liverpool in 1977 to work with Dr David Bowsher at the newly-created Pain Relief Foundation working as a researcher on a Medical Research Council funded project recording pain signals carried in the spinal cord, which became the subject for her PhD. She also worked on a wide variety of other projects related to the processes of pain and pain relief including development of transcutaneous nerve stimulators, implantable neuro-stimulation, computerised stereotactic neurosurgery evoked potential monitoring during spinal surgery, decompression of the trigeminal nerve and recording of pain-related activity from the brain.
This wide variety of research with different medical specialties has led to many lasting collaborations and a life-long belief in multidisciplinary working, exemplified by her award of Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists for services to research in the professions allied to medicine. She has worked in the science and healthcare sector of higher education since 1987 and became Professor of Neurophysiology at the University of Northampton in 1997 (part-time since 2014). She is also a chartered statistician and runs her own statistical and research consultancy.
She maintains an active research pain-related portfolio, including continuing work with Prof Massimo Leandri from University of Genoa who worked with her for 2 years at the Pain Relief Foundation. She was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship in the Pain Relief Foundation and looks forward to working with colleagues old and new in this role.