The 33rd Liverpool Course Annual Pain Course on Management of Chronic Pain was held 6th – 8th July the course attended by a range of disciplines which included, Consultants, GP’s, Anaesthetists, Nurses and Physiotherapists from both the UK and internationally.
The course was organised by Dr Sharma and Dr Rajiv Chawla both of whom are Consultants in Pain Medicine based at the Walton Centre, Liverpool with the support from the Pain Relief Foundation and Walton Centre.
Dr Sharama and Dr Chawla would like to thank to thank the Pain Course faculty and all for making this course possible and for making it another success in 2017 and would like to share this success.
Dear Pain Course Faculty,
Please click here to see the written course feedback from course delegates on the 33rd Annual pain course just completed. It will be only fair to share this with you all and reflect your contribution alongside your existing NHS commitments. Feedback is really as best as we can have (probably).
The mean feedback score for this course last year was 2.66/3.00 and this year it is 2.78/3.0. This is not a coincidence but reflection of what we have as an excellent pain service and unique practical multidisciplinary pain course.
Course was very well supported in terms of logistics by The Walton Centre and by the Pain Service and other disciplines and support from our secretaries, PMP team, Radiology, Theatres, Jefferson ward, OPD in Sid Watkins AND of course many patients who also took part. So this is a significant undertaking made only possible by your hard work and by those who are not even copied in this e mail. They will be thanked separately.
Sam Lipton Lecture by Prof Sam Eldabe was also the highlight in the field of Neuromodulation in NHS and made the evening most educational and entertaining.
This course reflects genuine cross organisation collaboration between Pain Relief Foundation and The Walton Centre and will like to thank Julie and her team at PRF in making it a great success. I wish this continues and reaches new heights.
Kind Regards
Manohar Sharma and Rajiv Chawla
On behalf of Organising Committees July Pain Course,
Pain Relief Foundation and The Walton centre
To see photographs of the class of 2017 please click here