What a great start to 2020 with such a niche workshop “Neuroablative Techniques for Cancer Pain”
What a great start to 2020 with such a niche workshop “Neuroablative Techniques for Cancer Pain”. What started out as a maximum of 25 delegates almost doubling to 46 along with Faculty and not forgetting the support from sponsors we had in excess of 60 people in attendance
The lead organiser of this study day was Dr Manohar Sharma (Consultant in Pain Medicine, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust (WCFT), Liverpool, in conjunction with the Faculty from the WCFT Pain Team Dr Rajiv Chawla and Neurosurgery Team Mr Jibril Osman Farah and Dr Kate Marley, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool.
The study day aimed to promote education on technical aspects of advanced neuroablative pain relief interventions for cancer related pain for tier 3 and 4 services. Guidance from FPM supported by Association for palliative Medicine, Association of Cancer Physicians and Clinical Oncology is freely available at https://www.rcoa.ac.uk/news-and-bulletin/rcoa-news-and-statements/fpm-release-framework-pain-services-cancer-and-life
This study day expected that attendees had a basic understanding of when a cancer pain relief intervention is indicated. This day will build on attendees’ existing knowledge of pain relief interventions to take it to higher level and to develop interdisciplinary cancer pain management services in their region to fulfil unmet need as highlighted by recent publication by FPM. In our view Professional’s learning by collaborative working in this complex and challenging field is paramount to improve confidence in setting up and developing interdisciplinary working. This study day will also cover some of the rarely performed, but, most effective neuroablative neurosurgical pain relief techniques for cancer related pain and chronic pain.
On behalf of the Pain Relief Foundation I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for participating in the Study day and making it another triumph without your conscientiousness, devotion and commitment the course would not be possible. It is both a pleasure and delight to work with such talented people and to see such team work in educating other health professionals not only locally but nationally in these particularly challenging times.
Manohar and the organising team thank you for creating the programme and trusting us again at the PRF to help you deliver another superb course and thank you for the challenge of having an international speaker Mr Viswanathan via satellite that kept us on our toes right up until last minute.
Having had a quick look at the evaluation it appears the course has been well received by all the participants with good feedback,
Once again a huge thank you to you all
My sincere thanks & best wishes
David Cain
Manohar Sharma consultant in pain medicine
On 16/02/2020 at 9:27 am
This happened to be an unique educational experience for those treating complex cancer related pain when the options have run out…… Do not give up as there is much more we can do and there are options available for some cases than to just continue to prescribe a toxic cocktail of harmful drug mixture….