Research Participants Needed – Earache and sleep study
Do you suffer from chronic severe ear pain (for instance, Chondrodermatitis, CNH) that prevents you from sleeping at night?
We are looking to recruit participants for a study looking at whether sleeping with a Pillow with a Hole can improve sleep and symptoms of chronic earache.
Who can take part in this study?
To take part in this study you must meet the following criteria:
– You are an adult aged 18+
– You currently suffer from chronic severe ear pain that reduces the quality of your sleep.
– You do not currently sleep with a pillow with a hole.
What will the study involve?
If you do decide to participate in the study, we would like to invite you to our lab to answer some questionnaires and complete a short computer task. We will then send you home to sleep as normal for two weeks – some participants in the study may be asked to sleep with a Pillow with A Hole. After the two weeks has ended you will be invited to our lab again to repeat the questionnaires and short computer task. Each visit to the lab will take around one hour of your time.
What are the benefits of participating?
At the end of the study, you will receive a complimentary Pillow With a Hole (https://thepillowwithahole.co.uk) worth up to £80.00 in value, even if you were not asked to sleep with it during the study.
For more information on the study or to register your interest please email pillowwithaholeresearch@outlook.com