New Chairman at the Pain Relief Foundation
David Gee ended his term as Chairman of the Foundation at the end of the 2015/2016 financial year on 5th April 2016, having held the post since October 2009. The Trustees extended their sincere thanks and appreciation to him for the outstanding work he undertook during his term of office. David Gee will continue as a Trustee.
Mr David Cain, a Trustee of the Foundation since 2001 was appointed to replace Mr Gee and he now holds the office of Chairman. His involvement with the Pain Relief Foundation spans over 27 years when he became the first Chief Executive of the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery. He is well versed in the role of serving charitable organisations having served as a Trustee for some 15 years and in addition, he holds a number of charitable positions across the Northwest.
He is currently a Board member of the Corridor Manchester Partnership Company, Deputy Chairman of the LTE Group (formerly Manchester College Group) and Chairman of the Manchester Health Academy. On a national basis David is Vice Chairman of the National Executive of NHS Managers in Partnership (MiP) and on the National Executive of the FDA (First Division Association of the Senior Civil Service). He works extensively with Charities and is Deputy Chairman of the Central Manchester University Hospitals Charitable Fundraising Board, is a Governor of Ronald McDonald House (Manchester) Charity and a Trustee and Treasurer of the Alex Group Care home for disabled adults.